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Posts Tagged ‘larrymusser’

Interview: Larry Musser

New interview with Larry Musser, an actor that appeared in no less than four episodes of The X-Files during the original Vancouver years! Courtesy of the Fandom X Archive podcast.

  • he auditioned several times before he was given his first role
  • he was Sheriff Oaks in “Die Hand Die Verletzt
  • he was bleepin’ Detective Manners in “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’
  • he was Vietnam vet and paramilitary group leader Denny Markham in “Unrequited
  • he was the affable policeman Jack Bonsaint in “Chinga
  • he remembers a lot of long shooting days and rainy nights, but very good vibes from the cast and crew
  • from “Clyde Bruckman” to “Field Trip”, Larry’s favourites show that he’s a fan!