X-Files mythology, TenThirteen Interviews Database, and more

Three weeks and counting…

It is now 2016 and not only have we survived another winter solstice since December 22nd 2012 but we are presently less than a month away from entering the world of the X-Files again!

The revival

The FOX marketing machine is gearing up accordingly. “I Still Want To Believe” is the new tagline, echoing the old and underlying the fact that this is a repeat, “more of the same”. This fine line to walk between repeating the old — cozy, reassuring, nostalgic — and the new — bold, risky, unsettling — is a balance that all continuations must face. The recent Star Wars sequel (only very relatively successful, in my opinion) is the most recent example in the impulse to keep on continuing pop culture franchises.

So far there have been exclusive premieres of the “pilot” episode at select festivals (Monte Carlo, Los Angeles, Italy), we have seen posters, trailers, and a behind the scenes documentary. This is a lot of material for a six-episodes event, and goes a long way to show that FOX really believes in this and wants it to succeed. Also, the amount of images revealed goes very far — fans have been trying to assign each single frame to not only individual episodes but also chronologically within episodes — and key plot points have been revealed by the promotional campaign disregarding Carter’s previous obsession with secrecy and spoilers control. This is a very modern way to promote entertainment — the social networks buzz must be fed continuously and at all costs — but could prove counter-productive. Already, there is very little one cannot find on the first episode and many story details on the other five by searching the internet.

However, as a fan, I must admit that it all looks extremely exciting! (Including some worrying aspects on the mytharc, but coming up with theories to fill the gaps/plot holes is what we do for a living here.) It is all calibrated to appeal to those who remember the X-Files from the early seasons, including the radical approach on the Mulder-Scully relationship — which is a mix of a non-risk-taking return to how it used to be in the early days and part of a greater plan to reveal what has happened since 2002 progressively throughout all episodes, especially on the fate of William and their romantic split, using elliptic narration and flashbacks. Hopefully the episodes will actually deliver on the good buzz.


Of course, everything is done to promote the new series, which also means that the old series benefits from this buzz too — some even say that financially the new series is made so as to pump up the value of the old series as well for broadcasting rights for internet streaming services. The one-episode-a-day event that FOX marketing is animating over all its social media (head over to EatTheCorn’s Facebook page for some comments on each mytharc ep) is not only a way to count down to the new series but also a way to bring in new fans.

The BluRay

The most important event however, and quite possibly the ultimate and, well, last possible thing that could ever be done with the “old series” is its release in BluRay. Long anticipated with HD broadcasts in Germany and the USA since 2013, the whole package, including the two films and all bonus material from the DVDs, and a slot for the future new series’ BluRays (I wonder where “season 11” will fit if there is one?) was released on December 8 2015. After being one of the very first TV series that was edited in complete form in the DVD format in 2000, the X-Files has made the jump to the next format.

The challenges to do such a release were many — head over here for an interview with Jim Hardy, CEO of Illuminate, the company  behind the transfer — chief among which the fact that every single episode had to be recreated from scratch by scanning the films of the raw unedited dailies. Post-production in the 1990s was done directly on VHS, and creating HD transfers is comparatively easier for shows both before and after that period! We’ll leave the debate on whether original 4:3 aspect ratio or feature-like revisionist 16:9 widescreen was better to the experts — what is out there looks amazingly fresh regardless. However, no release is perfect: the fonts that were used for the XF logo, the opening credits, the cast and crew credits, and the place and time tags are different from the original; some departures from “The Truth Is Out There” tag were not respected; and some other issues. These things are all the more frustrating that they could have easily been respected, and I don’t expect FOX to do a re-release (or a re-scan for 4K for example) any sooner than one or two decades. You can see some DVD to BD comparisons and a detailed list of differences here.

“The rest”

Another important “old series” release could also be very close. The third volume in the X-Files music by La La Land has been postponed from 2015 to early 2016, and I could very well see LLL taking the opportunity to make use of the revival to release it. After two volumes for both X-Files and Millennium, it’s going to be worth the wait — and in the case where LLL lacks inspiration, here is a requests list.

The interest on the X-Files has been rising steadily since IDW started publishing X-Files comic books in mid-2013, and EatTheCorn has been covering closely the storylines developed by Joe Harris. “Season 11” should be drawing to a close with three more issues and what follows next is still unclear, apart from an independent “what if” alternative history issue in April. What is certain though is that IDW will be continuing to publish X-Files comics, with Joe Harris very much involved! What form will these comics take (unique stories, continuing storyline) and what continuity they will follow (alternate universe, pre-revival, post-revival) is not yet revealed.

It’s no wonder that IDW is also expanding its X-Files merchandising line: after the X-Files board game (which should have a couple of extensions in the future) and re-prints of all older comics and novels, a trilogy of X-Files short story collections is coming out, edited by horror writer Jonathan Maberry. The stories mostly take place in the “golden age” of the series, around 1996, but not exclusively. The first volume, “Trust No One“, was released in July 2015 and the second, “The Truth is Out There“, will be released in March 2016. There are some older XF alumni in here: Stefan Petrucha, writer of the (excellent) first 16 issues of the XF Topps comics in 1994-1995, Sarah Stegall, famous XF reviewer of old; Joe Harris and Dean Haglund might participate in a future third volume.

Titan also publishing two X-Files Companion books that seem to consist in collections of already published material, namely articles from the official XF magazine (some of which can be found on EatTheCorn) published by Titan in the 1990s. There will be two volumes: the first “The Agents, the Bureau, and the Syndicate” in January and the second “Monsters & Villains” in March.

I wonder what else we will be seeing in terms of merchandising in the coming weeks and months.

The fandom is also gearing up to the revival. Professional genre expert John K. Muir, who has written on X-Files and all things Chris Carter several times on his blog, also published his book on XF, The X-Files FAQ, featuring reviews and analysis of The X-Files and Carter’s other works. Darren Mooney finished his epic series of reviews of all four Ten Thirteen shows on his site, an incredible amount of text and many amazing insights. The reference site X-Files News has relaunched their website afresh. Retrospective articles in the media abound.

FOX is planning to broadcast the episodes in over 60 countries all around the world within 24 hours of their broadcast in the USA. Barely three weeks remaining for the launch of potentially the first season of the revival.

Social media archive: 2015 (part 5)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

3 Dec 2015, 10:47

Good Fox marketing, continued…


EW: The X-Files uses footage of Los Angeles missile test in new promo

7 Dec 2015, 19:21

#mythXplained Sein&Zeit/Closure: In the mythology-lightest season ever it certainly looks like is heading towards its end — and here comes a double-parter like no other, introspective and elegiac, that even if it doesn’t fit well with the rest of the mythology, it never fails to generate some strong emotions. Thank you David Duchovny, Kim Manners and Moby, among others, for those life-defining moments in Mulder’s life.

7X10: Sein und Zeit / 7X11: Closure


8 Dec 2015, 19:53

The X-Files comics continue! Lowdown for S11 #5! Can’t say more, not even the title, without spoilers…

S11#5: The Lowdown

14 Dec 2015, 17:09

XFBD is out

Tweaktown: Remastering ‘The X-Files’ in HD, Q&A with Jim Hardy CEO of Illuminate

18 Dec 2015, 15:13

“The series will return as part of a two-night special event across all licensed territories within the international FOX portfolio starting on January 25th, and will reach audiences throughout Latin America in markets such as Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina; in South East Asia including Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia; and markets in Europe including Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Africa.”

Fox International Channels: The X-Files Getting a Day & Date Release Across FOX International Channels Markets

21 Dec 2015, 14:18

#mythXplained [catching-up!] “En Ami”: WBDavis writes so he can share some scenes with Gillian A, and CCarter & FSpotnitz take the opportunity to seamlessly incorporate this into the s7 mythology: the CSM’s cynical resignation, hints that Scully oculd have been manipulated, further parallels of the alien and the divine

7X15: En Ami


26 Dec 2015, 02:15

#mythXplained Requiem: s7 ends, and with it a certain life of the show. If there’s any novelistic quality to the overall story of the X-Files, a story with beginning middle and end, then Requiem could very well have been the end! The fates of the characters, tragic or open-ended, are appropriate for a show like XF. Not the end of the series, mostly due to non-XF issues at Fox, but still, this is a memorable and landmark episode.

7X22: Requiem


26 Dec 2015, 02:30

Full documentary on the ! D-30 days…


26 Dec 2015, 20:43

Three years ago was Dec-22-2012, a most significant date for X-Files fans for over a decade. Some years after the lukewarm reception of the second movie and before the IDW comics were announced, interest on XF was on an all-time low and its future was at stake. At the time I wrote:

“Would Carter accept anything less than a theatrical release? Actually, sometimes it feels like the unlikelihood of an X-Files feature film is linked to the desire for it to be a theatrical feature, which is inherently more expensive. As if Carter and the X-Files wanted to “graduate” from TV to the big screen, while top-rate directors do not stop at the opportunity of doing the opposite (the Martin Scorcese-directed pilot of Boardwalk Empire reportedly cost $ 18 million) and many recognize that the 1970s kind of inventivity that existed in movies has now shifted to television. In a shifting environment for movie-making, the X-Files could take advantage of new means of release, distribution and funding, such as an exclusive television event, direct-to-video with special theatrical screenings, Japanese-inspired V-Cinema, Video On Demand pre-orders, iTunes premiere or YouTube premiere, funding from multiple sources (see 2012’s Cloud Atlas), international sale bundled with an HD remastering of the entire series, the economies on special effects and on-location shooting using full-greenscreen”

…and here we are some 3 years later barely one month from the release of not a third film but truly one of these alternative solutions mentioned above! D-29 days.

Notes beyond the world’s ending

31 Dec 2015, 18:11

The lowdown on Season 11 X-F X-Mas Special: an integral part in Joe Harris’ on-going X-Files mythos. Reflecting on Christmas Eve on New Year’s Eve.

S11 X-mas Special: The Lowdown

S11 X-mas Special: The Lowdown

Joe Harris uses the opportunity of the special holidays issue to tie it in directly with the Season 11 on-going storyline and make it an integral part of the story. Mixing the goofiness of the Lone Gunmen with the deadly serious developments of the Gibson storyline, this issue sees the Season 11 story come to a climax — right before the next 3-issue story arc, “Endgames“, that should wrap the whole thing up. A lot of twist and turns in this Special, along with Harris’ way of writing that brings about developments in a mysterious disjointed kind of way, which greatly captures the feeling of watching the series — confusing but attractive!


Many spoilers ahead.

Read the rest of this entry »

S11#5: The Lowdown

After an introduction (“Cantus“) and a monster-of-the-week sequel (“Home Again“), Season 11 segues into #5, “My Name Is Gibson“, a single-issue transition to the three-part season ender “Endgames“. Flashbacks, old foes, build-up to the finale and spoilers after the jump.


Read the rest of this entry »

Social media archive: 2015 (part 4)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

2 Nov 2015, 19:12

#mythXplained Bonus! Since FOX-TV does not promote FOX-feature films, we’ll add this to #201daysofxfiles. “Fight the Future”: XF goes BIG summer blockbuster with this Rob Bowman-helmed conspiracy thriller-cum-alien horror flick! Everything XF is here, with added explosions and action pieces. Colonization, the corn, the bees, and strong emotions: much is revealed here. “Multiply your fears by X”

The X-Files Movie: Fight the Future

5 Nov 2015, 14:50

#mythXplained Fight The Future bonus: Chris Carter himself explains the entire mythology in a hermetic hidden track of the film’s album!

Fight the Future : The Album : The Truth Revealed

9 Nov 2015, 16:49

An excellent and detailed history of the X-Files fandom by Matt from @[8273206453:69:The X-Files Lexicon] is now published at @[139191826118516:274:Den Of Geek]! (with a mention of @[413368385523727:274:The X-Files\: Eat The Corn])

Den of Geek: The X-Files: A History of the Fandom

9 Nov 2015, 23:08

Watch writer-producers be themselves: Carter’s long ponders before giving answers, Glen Morgan’s quick as a flash abrasive comments, and Darin Morgan’s dodging characterizing his work as genius

EW: EW Fest: X-Files video with Chris Carter

11 Nov 2015, 09:19

#mythXplained The Beginning (catching up!): Opening shot: a big Californian sun! XF moves production to Los Angeles, changes a big part of its crew, and has to deal with less “free mood” from the rainy Vancouver and higher production costs all around. Still manages to transition from both s5 and the movie in this second pilot of sorts. The closing scene ties everything back together in the alien life cycle.

6X01: The Beginning


11 Nov 2015, 09:22

#mythXplained SR819: After The Pine-Bluff Variant @[147409421937269:274:John Shiban] creates another tense thriller and brings back Senator Matheson in one of his too rare appearances. Follow the link for musings on WTO/GATT rules and the Tunisian connection!

6X10: S.R.819


11 Nov 2015, 22:42

New promo photo – in HD. What is that cigarette-handling android back there?…


19 Nov 2015, 10:12



20 Nov 2015, 13:53

New teaser, epileptic montage… MASSIVE spoilers in these screen captures http://imgur.com/a/ivFoO


YOU DID IT! Because of your tweets, you unlocked exclusive content! Go here: http://findthex.tumblr.com, password: XPhiles. Good job!

20 Nov 2015, 21:38

Official synopsis: 10X01: My Struggle

“My Struggle”

Thirteen years after the original series run, the next mind-bending chapter of the thrilling series THE X-FILES has arrived. FOX MULDER (David Duchovny) and DANA SCULLY (Gillian Anderson) have been contacted by TAD O’MALLEY (guest star Joel McHale), a popular conspiracy theorist web-TV show host who believes he has uncovered a significant government conspiracy. With the assistance of FBI Asst. Dir. WALTER SKINNER (Mitch Pileggi), O’Malley seeks to enlist the help of former X-Files agents Mulder and Scully, who have since severed ties with the FBI. Through O’Malley they are introduced to SVETA (guest star Annett Mahendru), a possible alien abductee who shares shocking information with them that will challenge everything that Mulder has ever believed about the existence of aliens and the government’s role in covering them up. “My Struggle,” the premiere episode of THE X-FILES, airs Sunday, January 24 (7:00-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

SpoilerTV: The X-Files – Episode 10.01 – My Struggle – Press Release

21 Nov 2015, 22:20

@[108381559187017:274:Frank Spotnitz]’s @[1600262146899838:274:The Man in the High Castle] — Philip K Dick’s novel adapted into a “TV/web” series — just came out! Find no less than 90 interviews with Frank in Eat The Corn’s Interviews Database!


22 Nov 2015, 20:03

“Home Again”: Lowdown for the X-Files comics Season 11 issues #2-3-4

S11#2-3-4: The Lowdown

23 Nov 2015, 22:58

#mythXplained “Two Fathers”/”One Son”: after not much of a build-up in the first half of the season, it’s time for the big reveal! The adding of layers to an ever-complexifying mythology stops, the cards are all laid on the table and the pieces are ranked in chronological order. It’s the end of the mythology that was developed over five and a half years, the quality of which the X-Files will try to imitate afterwards. After this, it’s a different show. The andswers are here

6X11: Two Fathers / 6X12: One Son


24 Nov 2015, 21:46

#mythXplained “Biogenesis”! The mytharc leaves the abysmally tangled web and moral tale of the Syndicate years, and heads towards a magnificently elegiac exploration of religion, science and spirituality. This results in EatTheCorn’s longest review by far:

6X22: Biogenesis / 7X03: The Sixth Extinction / 7X04: The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati

SCULLY: It began with an act of supreme violence–
a big bang expanding ever outward, cosmos born of matter and gas,
matter and gas ten billion years ago. Whose idea was this?
Who had the audacity for such invention? And the reason?
Were we part of that plan ten billion years ago? Are we born only to die?
To be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth before giving way to
our generations? If there is a beginning, must there be an end?
We burn like fires in our time only to be extinguished. To surrender
to the elements’ eternal reclaim. Matter and gas… will this all end one day?
Life no longer passing to life, the Earth left barren like the stars above,
like the cosmos. Will the hand that lit the flame let it burn down?
Let it burn out? Could we, too, become extinct? Or if this fire of life
living inside us is meant to go on, who decides? Who tends the flames?
Can he reignite the spark even as it grows cold and weak?


24 Nov 2015, 21:54

After the Spanish version a few months ago, EatTheCorn is proud to present its Mytharc Primer, the definitive chronicle and explanation of the X-Files mythology (until further notice in barely a few months’ time!…) — in German!

Wir begrüßen unsere Besucher aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und anderen Ländern!
Hier finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung und eine detaillierte Erklärung über die X-Files Mythologie finden.

Mytharc Primer : German edition

26 Nov 2015, 00:10

EatTheCorn turns 10 years old today!

Looking back at what has been achieved, looking forward to the future…

10th anniversary!

27 Nov 2015, 09:43

10X01: My Struggle in Courmayeur Festival on Dec-11 (Italy). Length: 52min?

Courmayeur Noir Festival: The X-Files: My Struggle

27 Nov 2015, 18:47

Artist Miran Kim (cover artist on the 1990s XF Topps comics) on recreating the iconic cover for IDW Season 11 !


10th anniversary!

Eat The Corn celebrates today its 10th anniversary! The site was launched on this day in 2005.
It’s been a wild ride, with periods of intense activity and long periods of calm, but the X-Files passion always somehow returns. The site started as a repository site for remarks I had on the mythology episodes, trying to “prove” that the mythology did make sense, despite its many mysteries and its tendency to put itself in question all the time. Since then:
  • The remarks grew into full-blown “Field Reports” on every single mythology episode of the series. If put together they would total into a book of several hundred pages! While some early reviews have aged with my evolving writing style, several still hold well, and in all cases they capture a unique energy and enthusiasm about the series.
  • The reviews led to the synthetic picture presented in the Mytharc Primer, a complete explanation of the mythology connecting all the dots. Since it was written, the site and its collaborators have developed Spanish and German translations! — contact me if you want to help me translate it into your language.
  • The search for quotes in the behind-the-scenes making of the series led to the creation of the Ten Thirteen Interviews Database, an archival database with interviews mainly from Chris Carter and crew but not only, that has about 500 entries and aims to expand in the future.
  • The passion for Mark Snow’s music and the great releases of soundtracks in recent years led to the Massive Music Compilation with music list and requests from 150 episodes.
  • In recent years the site has become known for its in-depth “Lowdowns” of the IDW comics, and been thanked by comics author Joe Harris.
  • …and much more in the Dossiers section, such as a Chris Carter interview with partner site the X-Files Lexicon, a review of all visual influences on the X-Files, and more.
  • The site has expanded to Facebook and Twitter, where there’s much more activity now than on the core website.
The site began just as the entire series finished being edited in DVD. It went through a period of low activity in all things Chris Carter, then through the resurgence of activity around the release of the second film and the Back to Frank Black campaign, the rumors of Carter’s new series — then again a period of calm until the comics started in 2013, and with them a wave of 1990s revivals that brought the X-Files back to current pop culture discussions. And so here we are in 2015, on the verge of the release of the definitive BluRay edition of the series, and of the return of the X-Files on the small screen!
EatTheCorn has become, dare I say, one of the reference sites worldwide for the X-Files and Chris Carter. It’s been a great ride! And I hope you’ll continue sharing the rest of the road with me.