X-Files mythology, TenThirteen Interviews Database, and more

10X1: My Struggle

The X-Files 2016: Introduction | 10X2: Founder’s Mutation | 10X3: Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster

After this introduction, let us now get into the meat of this: the episode itself.


My Struggle” is written and directed by Chris Carter. It has the difficult task to do no less than the following: introduce the concept of the show, its central characters, its main intrigue, to new viewers; refresh the memory of fans on where the story stood when we last saw our heroes; reintroduce the main characters and what makes them tick; cover the time gap between 2008 and today; address and advance the mythology; present an episode’s worth of intrigue, with beginning, middle and end; last 44 minutes; and satisfy fans as much as possible.

Spoilers after the jump

Read the rest of this entry »

The X-Files revival: an introduction

After “a thirteen-year commercial break“, as per Chris CarterThe X-Files are back! — and with them the entire trio of creator Chris Carter and actors Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny.

Some history: The X-Files, 2002-2016

Writing these words does seem surreal. Things could have developed differently. A victim of its own success, the “original series” (a term we are going to have to get used to from now on!) exceeded its welcome on television and ended in 2002, going well beyond Chris Carter’s original ideas for about five seasons and continuing past the point where it would have made sense to make a clean break from the two main leads and focus on new leads entirely. By that point, the series was well past its peak popularity and Carter’s vision to transition into a feature film franchise was compromised; lawsuits with Fox involving Carter and Duchovny did not help either. With 2008’s I Want To Believe, Carter had stayed true to the idea he has expressed since 1998, of doing a stand-alone story for the second film, and enriched it with Mulder and Scully’s personal story. A very interesting enterprise but marred by many flaws (EatTheCorn review here), the second film did not generate enough momentum to lead into a third film, which Carter has teased as a return or one could hope a resolution (as far as resolutions go in The X-Files) of the mythology. The franchise was put on cold storage, being remembered only in anniversary events for an aging audience like any antiquated show before it.

If nothing else, The X-Files‘ feature films have showed that the franchise is too multifaceted for individual stories to satisfy everyone. If more films had closely followed, what was left unsaid in the second film would have a chance to develop and the whole would be elevated above its individual components; if the films were to focus on the mythology, there wouldn’t be the opportunity to verse into other paranormal themes, horror, comedy, experiment out of the norm. As much as it tried to bring feature film quality into the world of television, across the wide range of its fans and critics The X-Files is remembered fondly not for one of its aspects but for the sum of what it could do: for being a multi-episode series.

And so, a return to television. EatTheCorn has already argued that other avenues than a prestigious feature film could be a valid future for the franchise — see our recollections on the occasion of the passing of December 22, 2012, and at the 2013 20th anniversary panel at San Diego Comic Con, where key people still saw the feature film as the only option. Keep also in mind that FOX’s feature film branch and FOX’s television branch are two rather distinct entities, and this revival was certainly made possible in television thanks to the arrival at the top management of people with whom Chris Carter has had good relations with since the very beginning of the show in 1993 — namely, Dana Walden and Gary Newman, CEOs of Fox Television Group since July 2014. Conversely, the feature film industry is more wary of a franchise transitioning from television to film rather than the other way around, and Carter would still have a lot of people to convince were he to make that third film.

The return has been brewing for a couple of years. Carter and Walden attribute the fan excitement of the 20th anniversary as a catalyst. Frank Spotnitz has been mentioning that discussions were going on throughout 2014. IDW’s The X-Files comic series, expertly held by writer Joe Harris (and covered extensively at EatTheCorn), have brought novelty to the brand since their launch in June 2013. Kumail Nanjiani’s The X-Files Files podcast and of course fan activity online have also helped. The revival was put out there as an idea in January 2015, and a firm decision came in March; shooting took place between June and September; post-production lasted till December; and here we are barely a year later. Things went very quickly once the will was there.

But one has to make the obvious question: was a revival necessary? And one has to shed the knee-jerk reaction of the cliché of the unconditional fan, who will ask for more whatever might happen, or EatTheCorn’s obsession with seeing a continuation or closure of the show’s mytharc. With the passage of time and the endless cyclical urge of popular culture to eat itself, we live at a time of a revival/recycling/retooling/reneologismation of the landmarks of the 1980s and 1990s — the examples of that are everywhere. The X-Files was sure to come at some point, not because it has something more to say but because of the mere fact that its first incarnation had success, and thus presents an good case for easy return on investment (not to mention the opportunity of increasing the price of sales of Fox’s back catalog to streaming services like Netflix, which is a very important financial argument in the present days). What more does The X-Files has to say? This is the question that the revival needs to answer.

Behind the scenes of the revival

From the first declarations that Carter made on the revival, it came as a surprise that it was going to be a much more ambitious enterprise than “just” a matter of adapting his ideas of the continuation of the mythology, elements that he might have been keeping for a third X-Files feature film, to a multi-episodes television event. In fact it became something else entirely from that as well, but we will come back to that.

Carter wanted to revive the old show entirely: propose a series of episodes that would recreate the format of mythology, stand-alone scary stories and experimental; return to Vancouver to shoot, the place that defined the show’s identity and look in the first five seasons, same as for I Want To Believe; reunite with the band of writers that made its success; reunite with as many people as possible in the crew (just to name the most obvious that participated in this revival: composer Mark Snow and sound editor Thierry J. Couturier; visual effects supervisor Mat Beck; casting director Rick Millikan; production designer Mark S. Freeborn; production assistant Gabe Rotter; cinematographer Joel Ransom; editor Heather McDougall); and with the cast. Reunite the TenThirteen family. The project of the revival, what many would have expected to be a one-shot single-story event, including this fan, became something much more ambitious. A new season of the show, albeit with fewer episodes (initially 8, but trimmed to 6 for no other reasons than scheduling), and a season that could be, and has been conceived to be, the first of many!

Everything is made to channel the old show again. Its success, even, is measured by how close it is to the original: Dana Walden has said that “We are excited creatively by what we’ve seen. These episodes are incredibly consistent with the original series.

Of course the revival makes use of current themes for the stories and of modern film-making technology, it certainly looks very fresh; but other than that, the “revival” could easily be modified to be a “reboot”, i.e. the recreation of the original starting from a blank slate, an X-Files for the 21st century. Yet story threads still dangle embarrassingly in the absent centre (William, anyone?) and characters do feel like they are defined by the weight of the past; this is a continuation, not a reboot. This mix of old and new defines this revival.

What can be discussed and argued then is the mixture of “old” and “new”. How far does the new show stray, or evolve, from the old one? How much does it want to? In the run-up to the revival, we explored different possibilities, different possible futures for The X-Files. Out of the wide range of possibilities, out of that fourteen-year playground of the imagination for armies of fans across the world, a choice has been made, a single path has been taken, and the other possibilities are no more.

The new writers’ room

The six-episode revival is shaped by Carter and the people he has surrounded himself with. He has referenced in interviews that he wanted the whole gang of the original 3-5 seasons back — Frank Spotnitz, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Alex Gansa — however not everyone was available at such a short notice. Spotnitz’s absence is particularly notable since over the years he had become very much identified as the biggest creative force along with Carter and the two lead actors: they co-wrote both films, they co-wrote most of the mythology over seven seasons, he was imagining himself as participating in a future X-Files endeavour as well when asked in interviews over the long gap years of the past decade, as recently as 2014. Yet it so happened that success hit him at the same time and he was busy with launching his own series, The Man in the High Castle — both series were actually shot simultaneously in Vancouver in thesummer of 2015! Whether the revival series would have taken a different path with him is something to wonder at — particularly concerning the romance between Mulder and Scully, something he has always been an articulate proponent of.

The writers team for this revival ended up consisting in Chris Carter, Glen Morgan, James Wong and Darin Morgan. It already is a bit of a dream team, and a team that has not worked closely together since seasons 1-4 of the show! This sets the tone for what will follow.

Morgan and Wong (“the Wongs”) are of course responsible for some of the series’ best episodes, and to a great extent they are responsible for the identity of the show, being the writers of the show’s first non-alien, monster-focused episode (1X02: Squeeze and its sequel 1X20: Tooms); they developed the characters immensely, particularly Scully (1X12: Beyond the Sea, 4X13: Never Again); they created the characters of Skinner, the Lone Gunmen, Scully’s mother and father and sister Melissa; they injected a great sense of paranoia in the mythology (1X16: E.B.E.) and gave the show episodes where the supernatural could be something optimistic and not necessarily scary (2X08: One Breath) as well as some of its most horrific B-movie-guilty pleasures (2X14: Die Hand die Verletzt, 4X03: Home). After they left The X-Files and Millennium in 1998 and after some other projects, Morgan and Wong stopped being a creative duo after 2006 and went on their own ways; this is the first project in which they work together since a decade.

Darin Morgan is another celebrated writer, with only four-and-a-half episodes (4 + 3X22: Quagmire) but all of them in people’s “best of” lists. His unintentionally comic episodes expanded what the show could be and made fun of its codes and characters while managing to present a good X-file, mixing both cynicism and humanism.

Carter remains the main creative force since the show’s inception, however it will be interesting to ponder which story directions were his own and which came as a result of a back-and-forth with the rest of the writers. Each one writes the script and directs “their own” episodes, however the general story of the episodes and the arc they follow is a result of several interactions involving all of them — this time, not in the TenThirteen offices in Los Angeles, but in Glen Morgan’s garden!

Also, another important point is that Chris Carter is not the only on getting credit as an Executive Producer — the well-known last image of each episode — he is now joined by Glen Morgan. This puts Morgan on equal footing as Carter as the person who has the last word on any decision, from vision to script to film, and essentially makes this revival a Carter-Morgan project. What hadn’t happened in The X-Files and Millennium has happened now, almost two decades later!

On to the episodic reviews/first reactions.

Social media archive: 2016 (part 2)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

Jan 15, 2016 15:41

Behind the scenes at , many revelations from Carter!
Carter “wrote a third movie—which has yet to see the light of day” ?!
On the CSM being back: “In Episode 6, you’re going to see exactly what the product of that failure to die [in the 2002 series finale] was.”
Season 11? “Carter hopes the hard-core fans are satisfied, and since much is left unresolved at the end of Episode 6, another miniseries is possible.”

TV Insider: Inside ‘The X-Files’ Revival, and the Surprises Mulder and Scully Will Face

Jan 15, 2016 18:35

Confirmation: has been written!!! It exists somewhere in Chris Carter’s laptop!
“Chris Carter wrote a third movie before Fox ordered the limited series”
@[96190405425:274:20th Century Fox], pick up that budget sheet and make it happen!


Jan 15, 2016 18:54

Another trailer, for #ΤCA16


Jan 16, 2016 00:45

The “Story and visual influences on The X-Files” guide is being updated. Film, TV and literature inspirations, both story-wise and cinematography-wise, complete with visual comparisons! — here is Season 1.
D-9 days!

Story and visual influences on The X-Files : Season 1


Jan 17, 2016 21:15

We reenter the “Carter universe” in one week. On this occasion, EatTheCorn presents an original look on “The Obsessions of Chris Carter” than can be seen throughout his entire corpus: history and memory, loss, religion, trust, family. A very interesting article by French academic Séverine Barthes (Paris IV-Sorbonne).

The Obsessions of Chris Carter


Jan 18, 2016 22:08

#mythXplained “NIHT”: And so the most controversial season begins. Carter went away during the summer holidays, leaving Spotnitz to develop what would have been the “Next Generation XF”, and Carter came back at the very last minute as a show-runner for season 9. Instead of making a clean break with Mulder, Scully and the whole mythology around them and focus just on the new faces, season 9 chooses to make Mulder the absent centre (again), make baby William into a mystery (again), make Scully the weeping caretaker (alas!), and add soap operatic drama making Reyes less interesting (introducing her ex Brad Follmer). Nevertheless, these two episodes are perhaps the season’s most interesting mythology episodes, with more mysteries around the Supersoldiers (governmental? alien?), more genetic experiments and more conspiracy theories (chloramine in tap water). It goes downhill from here.

9X01 / 9X02: Nothing Important Happened Today


Jan 18, 2016 22:14

#mythXplained “Trust No 1”: NSA surveillance, constant paranoia, Terry O’Quinn, suspicions of experiments on babies: what could go wrong with such an episode? Yet this episode comes out as some of the most bitter experiences of watching The X-Files: not just the horribly out of place melodrama of the Scully and Mulder e-mails and love sickness, but also the focus yet again on whom we know we will not see, and the cheesiness of the kryptonite-like magnetite and the scene of destruction of a Supersoldier. Many interesting things, but not the XF we knew…

9X08: Trust No 1


Jan 18, 2016 22:19

#mythXplained “Provenance/Providence”: The setting is familiar: religious cults, secrets buried underground, alien-as-God parallel, flashbacks revealing truths about the military, hints of greater forces at work (here, while Doggett is recovering at the hospital)… And yet it comes down to this: William is the object of an alien prophecy. The X-Files had gotten us used to more subtlety and more interesting storylines. Regardless, the decision has already been taken: The X-Files will be ending with this season and after these episodes everything accelerates to the conclusion.

9X10: Provenance / 9X11: Providence


Jan 19, 2016 12:26

Sad news from our friends at @[109517928483:274:BacktoFrankBlack Campaign]: despite a very interesting five-issue special featuring the return of Frank Black and his dark/light universe, it seems IDW will not be producing more “Millennium” comics. IDW does have many plans for The X-Files though, so perhaps another crossover would not be impossible?…


No matter what you are hearing, IDW has no plans to continue the Millennium comic unfortunately. Lots of rumors and speculation with no facts, we on the other hand have spoken to IDW.

Jan 19, 2016 22:54

201 episodes, 2 movies = 205 references! The illustrated guide into the story and visual influences on The X-Files has just been updated.
From “The Mothman Prophecies” to “Lex Luthor: The Unauthorized Biography”, from H.P. Lovecraft to “Alien”, from “The Spy Who Came in from the Cold” to Semisonic’s “Closing Time”, and many many more…
I tried to hit exactly 203 references, but then I figured this list can only grow, so why bother?

Story and Visual Influences on The X-Files: Updated

Jan 21, 2016 17:24

Chris Carter himself on revival:
“In this context, it seemed like a perfect time to rattle some cages and shine a light on the dark and distrustful mood toward government that polls tell us pervades our country.”
“Over the past ten months about 500 people came together to make six episodes of the best TV we know how.”
“Mulder and Scully, colleagues who developed a tempestuous affection and intimacy, have a child together, William. He was put up for adoption when they feared for his life, due to the same conspirators Mulder so believes in. This becomes a very personal story that is explored through the course of these six episodes.”
via @[183227235893:274:YahooTV]

Yahoo: Chris Carter on Reviving ‘The X-Files’: ‘I Knew We Had Stories to Tell’

Jan 22, 2016 9:54

Vancouver on display

Vancouver Is Awesome: 10 Vancouver landmarks in the original X-Files TV show

Jan 22, 2016 11:02

teases from Anne Simon:
Genetic modification technology will play a major role, she said.
CRISPR-Cas9 makes it possible for us to alter the DNA of living cells, including human cells. And this science will tie into a “really big” plot twist, that will “kind of explain the whole conspiracy theory and what the cigarette-smoking man was doing.”
From 2X08: One Breath:
BYERS: The Thinker reports the protein chains are a result of branched DNA.
MULDER: Branched DNA?
LANGLY: The cutting edge of genetic engineering.
BYERS: A biological equivalent of a silicon microchip.
LANGLY: This is way beyond cutting edge. This technology fifty years down the line.
MULDER: What’s it used for?
FROHIKE: Could be a tracking system.
BYERS: Developmental stages of a biological marker.
MULDER: You mean a high-tech identity card?
LANGLY: Or something as insidious as grafting a human into something… inhuman.
(The computer beeps again.)
BYERS: Good theories, gentlemen, but all for naught.
(He points at a protein data map.)
This branched DNA is inactive. It’s waste product. Whoever was experimenting on Scully is finished. Now it’s nothing more than a biological poison.

BuzzFeed: Genetic Engineering Will Be A Big Part Of The “X-Files” Reboot

Jan 22, 2016 11:41

The world’s most original marketing is in Madrid! A 400 kg Roswell UFO! Details: https://t.co/lYI0ecXFnu


Jan 22, 2016 16:20

Congratulations to Chilean fans, who after the 2008 XF Expo are coming back with a convention throughout this weekend!


23 JAN 2016 AT 15:00 – 25 JAN 2016 AT 00:00 UTC+01
VII Convención The X-Files
Sala Auditorium Telefónica

Story and Visual Influences on The X-Files: Updated

With less than a week to go for new X-Files (!)…

After more than 3 years after its launch, the massive list of influences on The X-Files — films, TV shows, scenes, cinema techniques, works of literature — has been updated! The list is complete with image “proof” and comparisons, and links to IMDb or Wikipedia for your “to (re)watch” or “to (re)read” lists.

As always, suggestions for further enriching the list are welcome!

Grand total: 205 references…

We’re going to the movies!

Introduction | Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 | Season 8 | Season 9 | Movies

The Obsessions of Chris Carter

When The X-Files return next week (!), we are going to re-enter the world of Chris Carter. Throughout all his works — The X-Files and its two theatrical movies, Millennium, Harsh Realm, The Lone Gunmen, The After — certain common themes, threads, ways to tell a story, leitmotivs come up again and again, making his work recognizable and giving it a unique voice. Among these recurring themes is history and memory, loss, religion, trust, family.

Next week Carter not only returns with the cast from the original series, along with key writers Glen Morgan, James Wong and Darin Morgan. It’s also such key people, some of which have been with Carter since 1993, as: composer Mark Snow and sound editor Thierry J. Couturier; visual effects supervisor Mat Beck; casting director Rick Millikan; production designer Mark S. Freeborn; production assistant Gabe Rotter. Carter also returns to Vancouver, where The X-Files established its identity in its first 5 seasons and returned to to shoot I Want To Believe. It really is a family.

To delve deeper into this, EatTheCorn proposes below an article that looks at these “obsessions” of Carter’s, written in 2006 by Séverine Barthes — a long time ago, but these very interesting arguments are developed here in an elegant way. Read it after the jump.

XF crew 1994-1995

Read the rest of this entry »

Social media archive: 2016 (part 1)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

Jan 02, 2016 23:17

3 weeks left! A round-up of the latest news, general pre-launch feeling and tie-in products around in this busy and exciting time for XF fandom!

Three weeks and counting…


Jan 03, 2016 16:10

Carter doesn’t like spoilers, no surprise here!

The Hollywood Reporter: Chris Carter on Rebooting ‘The X-Files’ in a Spoiler-Obsessed Culture

Jan 07, 2016 9:56

The airing order of is revealed to be the following (via producer Gabe Rotter, via XFilesNews – http://xfiles.news/index.php/news/latest-news/1045-txf-season-10-founder-s-mutation-will-air-on-01-25):

“My Struggle” – 01/24/16 – 10PM (Aprox.)
“Founder’s Mutation” – 01/25/16 – 8PM
“Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster” 02/01/16 – 8PM
“Home Again” – 02/08/16 – 8PM
“Babylon” – 02/15/16 – 8PM
“My Struggle II” – 02/22/16 – 8PM (Season Finale)

A press release is also up for the second episode (http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/01/the-x-files-episode-1002-founders.html)
This order is production order 1-5-3-2-4-6, so very different compared to what we naturally thought would be the airing order — especially since the second produced “Home Again” sounded like a natural choice for the a second episode. Mulder and Scully are said to follow an emotional arc throughout the six episodes, with each episode evolving from the previous one and significant elements of the past we believe are revealed in the two “My Struggle”s but also in “Founder’s Mutation”.
Whether the exact airing order was determined beforehand, with production order following actor or other constraints, or whether it was decided in post-production once executive producers Carter and Morgan saw the whole 6 and how they flowed, we do not know (https://twitter.com/Annealiz1/status/684814044767883265). Perhaps this whole business shows that episodes are more independent from each other than Carter would like to admit, perhaps not.
Some more thoughts on the reordering, including some spoilers on actors appearances and re-appearances around the episodes, can be found here: https://twitter.com/DemijanOmeragic/status/684879670450491394

Jan 08, 2016 19:00

All the writers room and much more is here! An excellent history from inception success twilight and revival!…

The Hollywood Reporter: When ‘The X-Files’ Became A-List: An Oral History of Fox’s Out-There Success Story

Jan 11, 2016 17:19

#mythXplained “Within/Without”: The main shortcoming of Season 8 is that…it exists! that the story was not wrapped up properly with the two leads at the end of season 7. Otherwise, these episodes launch one of the most interesting periods of the show, with a solid new lead in Robert Patrick, a great sense of purpose and a welcome return to the darkness of earlier seasons. But these episodes are not free of flaws: mainly the ret-conning of Mulder’s illness, and long scenes in the desert as if material for a bit more than one episode was spread over two episodes.

8X01: Within / 8X02: Without


Jan 11, 2016 17:25

#mythXplained “Per Manum”: The plot thickens, with some great material — experiments in fertility clinics, double agents and general paranoia — and some less so — the unnecessary “who’s the daddy?” plotline. Still, in hindsight, this episode shows how well the season as a whole had been plotted in advance, possibly the only XF season where this happened! (Despite the feature film at its end, season 5 was much more loosely plotted/interlinked.)

8X08: Per Manum


Jan 11, 2016 17:28

#mythXplained “This Is Not Happening”: Everyone will agree that this is one of the best X-Files mythology episodes. The Mulder missing/dead drama at its height, the introduction of Monica Reyes (back when her character was still quirky and thus interesting), the return of Jeremiah Smith, alien cults and great performances overall!

8X14: This Is Not Happening / 8X15: DeadAlive


Jan 11, 2016 17:44

#mythXplained “DeadAlive”: …and then things get more complicated. A dramatic time jump — to allow for the launch of The Lone Gunmen spin-off series — and Mulder very literally returns from the dead. While the episode tries to mix older mythology elements (Krycek, the vaccine against the Black Oil) with new mysteries, it really fails to clearly explain the central mystery: why were these replicants-to-be dumped randomly, and why Mulder’s replication failed. The tense mysterious atmosphere and production values still make this a success, but at this point the mythology starts challenging suspension of disbelief seriously.

8X14: This Is Not Happening / 8X15: DeadAlive


Jan 11, 2016 22:53

“My Struggle” 1st minute. See a decade of X-Files unfurl before your eyes!


Check out the opening minute of The X-Files before it airs January 24! DoYouStillBelieve.com.

Jan 11, 2016 23:04

Do you still believe?
D-13 days.

Jan 12, 2016 10:30

X-Files Files podcaster and guest star Kumail Nanjiani’s much-awaited chat with Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny, one late night during the shooting of Darin Morgan’s episode, “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster”!…

FERALAUDIO.COM: 55 – Kumail Talks To David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson on the set of The X-Files

Jan 13, 2016 00:19

Approx. 2 more minutes of “My Struggle” are now online!…

SpoilerTV: The X-Files – Episode 10.01 – My Struggle – Sneak Peeks *Updated*

Jan 13, 2016 00:23

DailyMail stardom!…

“The two may watch now that they will be shown in flashbacks on the reboot. They will appear in episodes two and four.”
“Founder’s Mutation” and “Home Again”? Surely this is wrong. I guess more like “Babylon” and “My Struggle II”.

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: The twins that played Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny’s baby on The X-Files are now teens and work as models… as they confess they’ve NEVER seen the series

Jan 13, 2016 10:41

Jimmy Kimmel, Mulder, Scully and the Mystery of the 1990s Nostalgia. Epic! And let’s hope that the will be more than that.


Jan 14, 2016 00:21

More Premiere press from Carter and the cast, old and new.

Variety: Chris Carter and Cast Explain Why ‘The X-Files’ Revival Is ‘a Trip Down Memory Lane’

Jan 14, 2016 11:44

Duchovny being very candid about Fox’s (non)promotion of IWTB — very different from what we are seeing now for the promotion of the revival from Fox *Television*. , why not?

HitFix: David Duchovny on the second ‘X-Files’ movie: Fox botched the release

Jan 14, 2016 12:07

Darin Morgan’s episode Press Release & Synopsis!

Cast: They managed to bring back the two stoner kids from “War of the Coprophages” and “Quagmire”! + Alex Diakun, another 1013/Darin familiar!

“When a dead body is found in the woods, Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate whether it was an animal attack, a serial killer or just maybe a strange creature as described by eyewitnesses. Meanwhile, Mulder is able to confront some of his own demons about feeling disillusioned with his life’s work”

SpoilerTV: The X-Files – Episode 10.03 – Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster – Press Release & Promotional Photos *Updated*

Jan 14, 2016 22:00

#mythXplained “Three Words”: By now The X-Files is a fully serialized show, with an ensemble cast and storylines unfolding on a week-to-week basis. These are episodes of transition between the old guard, chief among them Mulder, who feels awkward, and the new. A good, classic, efficient episode that recalls many previous ones, notably the Lone Gunmen-aided infiltration of a facility in “Memento Mori”, and a meetup with an informant in a running field like in “Deep Throat”…

8X18: Three Words


Jan 14, 2016 22:04

#mythXplained “Vienen”: The buddy action adventure of Mulder and Doggett! “New” writer Steven Maeda resurrects the Black Oil, last seen (in this form) in the movie 3 years before, and has the obvious idea to link it…to the oil drilling business. A solid episode, that hints at story developments that could have been followed around the Black Oil virus and immunity that were not exploited fully…

8X16: Vienen


Jan 14, 2016 22:11

#mythXplained “Essence/Existence”: Season 8 ends and like with the previous season it could have been the end of it all. Same issues as with “Within/Without”, too many scenes in a single setting (here, underground parking lot). Confusing happenings with who hunts the baby and why. An oddly directed ending for a beloved character that should not have been. A “who’s the daddy?” that is unnecessarily drawn out to beyond the end. And, in retrospective, a very interesting season that ultimately raises too many questions for this to be the end, making a season 9 necessary (as opposed to last year)!

8X20: Essence / 8X21: Existence
