- Season 2 [1994-1995] -
2X01: Little Green Men
Close Encounters of
the Third Kind
(Steven Spielberg, 1977)
After the alien abduction scene in
Conduit, this episode adds orange, red and blue lights to the
long lists of visual elements taken from "Close Encounters"! Samantha's
abduction scene became iconic for the series.
2X03: Blood
They Live
(John Carpenter, 1988)
A pair of sunglasses allow the hero of this Carpenter movie to discover
the hidden reality behind newspapers, advertisements, billboards and
slogans: brainwashing and soothing consumerist propaganda. In this
episode, a chemical makes people interpret signals from electronic
devices differently, and puts them on the receiving end of brainwashing
2X06: Ascension
(Lewis Gilbert, 1979)
Mulder's iconic climb of Skyland Mountain is reminiscent of James
Bond's (Roger Moore) ascension of Sugarloaf Mountain next to Rio de
Janeiro. Mulder and Bond have to dramatically exit their cable car, as
Mulder's was stopped by Krycek and Bond's is attacked by Jaws.
2X10: Red Museum
(Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)
The way the peeping Tom is shown in this episode is reminiscent of the
one in Hitchcock's legendary film: peeping through a hole in the wall.
2X11: Exelsius Dei
The Entity
(Sidney J. Furie, 1982)
The premise of the this film is that a woman is tormented and sexually
abused by an invisible evil spirit, much like what happens to the nurse
(Teryl Rothery) in the teaser of this episode.
Cocoon (Ron
Howard, 1985)
Some aspects of this episode are quite similar to “Cocoon”, a science
fiction movie that presented a group of elderly people being healed and
rejuvenated by an alien presence and becoming progressively unfit for
the old peoples’ home they live in. In the episode, the mushrooms the
elderly are given gives them artistic creativity, the ability to see
ghosts, or allows them project their spirits outside their bodies.
2X15: Fresh Bones
The Serpent and the
(Wes Craven, 1988)
These are both around Haiti mythology and zombies, so the visual
similarities should be obvious. Symbols, body paintings, mummified
animals, animal parts, people under the influence of drugs or being
turned into zombies...
2X16: Colony
The Invaders
(Larry Cohen, 1967-1968)
Apart from the image of the alien in a water tank reference (see
1X23: The Erlenmeyer Flask), there
is another feature of the X-Files aliens or hybrids that could be
traced back to “The Invaders” series (see also
1X79: Pilot and
3X24: Talitha Cumi). The aliens in
this series adopted a human appearance in order to better infiltrate
human societies. Moreover, when they were killed, their bodies would
glow red and quickly disintegrate, leaving behind them nothing more
than black ash -- a good trick to prevent people like protagonist David
Vincent from obtaining hard proof of their existence. This is similar
to the way the hybrids in this episode (and presumably the Alien Bounty
Hunter himself, as seen in
Without), when killed, disintegrate into a toxic fizzy green
goo, and later presumably totally evaporate.
The Terminator
(James Cameron, 1984)
"The Terminator" was explicitly referenced during the writing process
of this episode, and the casting and the photography of the final
episode reflect that: the T-800 (Arnold Schwartzenegger) and the Alien
Bounty Hunter (Brian Thomson) are both tall, muscular, cold characters,
mechanical in their movements and efficient in their work. The
Terminator wreaks havoc in a police station and sets fire to it. The
Bounty Hunter kills a victim in a hospital and leaves by setting a
fire. They both leave calmly as if nothing happened.


The Terminator 2: Judgment
(James Cameron, 1991)
You could say that the Alien Bounty Hunter was also inspired by "The
Terminator"'s sequel, which has a morphing Terminator machine (Robert
Patrick!). Although shape-shifting aliens have been in UFO lore for a
long time.
Project A (Jackie
Chan, 1983)
Project A, Part II
(Jackie Chan, 1983)
At the climax of the episode, Mulder is handcuffed to the Alien Bounty
Hunter, who drags him around and beats him and eventually throws him
out of the submarine, cutting the handcuffs’ chain by shutting the
hatch over it. Frank Spotnitz mentioned in the commentary to the
episode that the handcuffs scene was inspired by Jackie Chan movies:
“in one of his films he has an incredible sequence where he's
handcuffed to another man and this is a very different use of that gag
but I thought it would be pretty exciting if Mulder were handcuffed to
the Bounty Hunter”. The film he is referring to is “Project A”, also
directed by Chan, one of the most famous action/humor Hong Kong martial
arts films. The tone is very different from the episode, of course. A
handcuffs scene was present already in the first film, “Project A”,
this time with Chan alone tied to a pole and trying to escape. The
scenes can be found on YouTube:
Part I,
Part II.
Congo (Frank
Marshall, 1995)
Even though this episode predates “Congo” (Fearful Symmetry aired in
February 1995 and “Congo” was released in June 1995), “Congo” was
certainly a talked-about film even before its release as it was based
on the novel of the same name by Michael Crichton, the man who wrote
“Jurassic Park”, which became the biggest box office success movie two
years earlier (1993). Chris Carter had mentioned in interviews that
what he was trying to do with XF was similar to what Crichton did: tell
stories that discuss the extreme possibilities of science. “Congo”
features a female gorilla, Amy, that is taught to use the sign language
and who can paint, just like Sophie in the episode. Of course,
real-life research in large primates languages (chimpanzees, gorillas)
has been going on since the 1960s-1970s and could be another
inspiration source.
(Tod Browning, 1932)
The entire episode is a conscious homage to this movie: a moving
circus, full of real freaks and geeks, usually despised by the average
person because of their appearance, but as the film goes on we feel
their humanity.
2X21: The Calusari
The Exorcist
(William Friedkin, 1973)
Another episode that is the XF version of a well-known film, in this
case the best-known of possession films. An exorcist (film) or a group
of exorcists (episode) are called to drive out a demon from the body of
a young child. Religious incantations, screams, supernatural events and
dramatically set shots ensue.
The Omen
(Richard Donner, 1976)
The young child is a symbol of innocence, that's why it's often
subverted into its opposite in thrillers with children representing
evil. A well-known example is "The Omen", where a young boy is evil
Continuing on “The Omen”, in the movie a photographer notices that
marks in photos he’s taken hint at who the victims were going to be. In
the episode, a photo is shown as proof that an invisible supernatural
presence is at work.