HARSH REALM in HD! Chris Carter’s short-lived show (aired during season 7 of #TheXFiles) is only available in a standard definition DVD, and that is unlikely to change. However, ironically, thanks to AI algorithms, a fan remastered it entirely in HD (upscale, colour balances, cleaning). The result is impressive. Treat yourself to some of the best things Ten Thirteen did — in particular the first three episodes are like an extended pilot. 25 years later, #HarshRealm proves to be very prescient and I think it would become a huge success would it be made today.
Here are some HD/SD comparisons. The whole 9 episodes are on YouTube:
As the YouTube filter let this through and the uploader is not monetizing it (so no ads), this is actually legal until removed.
Thanks to Demijan Omeragic
Tags: harsh realm, harshrealm, hd, upscale
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