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Archive for January, 2025

Interview: Jonathan Levit

Interview with Jonathan Levit, courtesy of Sammensværgelsen, the Danish XF podcast. He was Billy LaBonge in The X-Files’ season 7’s “The Amazing Maleeni” — the young magician alongside the more experienced Ricky Jay.

  • It was his first acting job! He always wanted to be on TXF. He had moved to LA about 2 years prior.
  • He had studied both as a magician and as an actor, unlike many in the audition, so he fit the bill.
  • He was nervous during the shooting. Director Tom Wright immediately told him “I’ll take care of you”, Tom was great and ran a very tight ship. He worked with Tom again later. [This was Tom’s 3rd and last TXF episode, after a long run on Millennium.]
  • Tom told him: this is like “The Sting” [1973 movie with two con men], Ricky Jay is Paul Newman, you are Robert Redford.
  • He did the hand turning trick in the audition, that’s where co-writer Vince Gilligan and Tom took it from, the script was not specific on the tricks.
  • Vince and Tom wanted to be ‘realistic’ with how they portrayed the magic. Tom asked him for ideas on magic tricks, there was improvisation. They made sure the tricks were in one continuous shot.
  • He taught Duchovny how to do the coin trick, and Anderson how to do the hand turning trick.
  • There was going to be a discussion scene on another magic trick, a body being cut in half, but it was cut for time.
  • After the episode he became famous in the magicians world. It was a great experience to work with famous magician Ricky Jay [passed away since].

Interview: Larry Musser

New interview with Larry Musser, an actor that appeared in no less than four episodes of The X-Files during the original Vancouver years! Courtesy of the Fandom X Archive podcast.

  • he auditioned several times before he was given his first role
  • he was Sheriff Oaks in “Die Hand Die Verletzt
  • he was bleepin’ Detective Manners in “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’
  • he was Vietnam vet and paramilitary group leader Denny Markham in “Unrequited
  • he was the affable policeman Jack Bonsaint in “Chinga
  • he remembers a lot of long shooting days and rainy nights, but very good vibes from the cast and crew
  • from “Clyde Bruckman” to “Field Trip”, Larry’s favourites show that he’s a fan!

RIP David Lynch

“In heaven, everything is fine.” / “I hope I see all of you again. Every one of you.”

Goodbye David Lynch, right at the top in my personal film pantheon. Now you know what lies on the other side of the curtain, like his purple quantum foam sea. From first to last, from “Eraserhead” to “Twin Peaks The Return“, imagery and soundscapes that have lived in my dreams from an early age.

In particular, “Twin Peaks” (1990-1991), largely the result of the collaboration between David Lynch and Mark Frost, was a big influence on The X-Files: from its sense of weird and mystery, its out-there male FBI agent, its Pacific Northwest setting, its ambition to bring cinema photography and directing to television… all documented in the influences page — to which must be added a revival many years later. The Twin Peaks revival aired in-between the two X-Files revival seasons, and the two projects have different legacies. Twin Peaks gave us a wildly different approach on how to make a continuation while also subverting fans’ expectations, a project of unique artistic ambition that commented on the passage of time and consisted in a sort of synthesis of Lynch’s entire career.

Three days of mourning!


Happy new year! It’s hard to believe it’s already 25 years — a quarter century ago — since the turn of the millennium — and that new year’s kiss at the end of the crossover episode 7X05: Millennium! But then, at the risk of sounding like a math geek, 2001 was actually the start of the new millennium. The series is getting seriously old — but more and more people keep discovering it. It seems to have passed television muster to become the rare artistic creation that crosses over to a new generation. Here’s to another year of covering all things X-Files.