30 years ago already, May 8 1994, The X-Files season 1 ended with a bang, and the buzz from that resulted in the show getting renewed for season 2 and beyond! “The Erlenmeyer Flask” was one of Chris Carter’s best scripts and includes so many memorable images — a man breathing underwater, a secret room full of tanks with people being experimented on, proof of alien biology, Scully finding an alien fetus, Deep Throat being killed… The music is mysterious and the mystery is thick, this is the series at its best. 30 years!
Archive for May, 2024
Carter at TXF documentary screening

I’ll just leave this here. At The X-Files documentary screening at New York City yesterday, Chris Carter had the time of his life ending the panel with a bang! He sure likes controversy.
“She [Scully] admits or tells Mulder about her pregnancy in the final episode and that became very controversial. I mean a lot of people, I mean Avi Quijada, she closed her website down [XFilesNews], her blog, and Gillian got very angry at me and it’s like I wasn’t sure why that was but I actually sort of welcomed the controversy and I thought it was a good thing. But if you follow Scully’s maternity if you will, with Emily and with William, and — why does anyone think that this pregnancy is anything other than science fiction? This is a science fiction show, that pregnancy is… It’s spelled out actually at the beginning of the episode, where ‘The Truth Is Out There’ is something else [‘Salvator Mundi’, saviour of the world, for Jesus Christ] and it is what I had in mind. So I just want to go on record to say: it’s not necessarily Mulder and Scully’s child.”
So, the story is not over, the mystery continues, and the third child of Scully is still not quite her own. I understand his punk attitude with wanting controversy, after all here we are still raging about this, but don’t know why he persists so much with this long-dead horse. Good stories end, most would have been happy with M&S just continuing their lives, still investigating or not, with child or not.