A summary of recent The X-Files events:
Chris Carter and wife Dori Pierson have some TV mini-series project, completely unrelated to sci-fi/genre; whatever Carter does next, he wants it to be different from TXF. I hope he does manage to do *something*!
Carter went as far as to say that he took the decision to pull the plug on season 12 and end with season 11 (“I needed some time off”), not mentioning the falling ratings or Gillian Anderson’s dissatisfaction (this is rewriting history somewhat, but from another point of view it’s a professional executive producer taking responsibility for his product, keeping the business information only to insiders).
Inevitably, people ask Carter about the rumored TXF reboot to be handled by Ryan Coogler. Contrary to his systematic involvement for the past 30 years, Carter now seems to have distanced himself from TXF, whatever happens now will not be under his supervision. This is an important change compared to even one year ago.
Gillian Anderson has said she would be open to making an appearance on a reboot/sequel/rewhateverthisis, going as far as saying that Coogler is “a bit of a genius” — which in line with what she said she would think about continuing the role of Scully if “a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on”, making it clear that for her Carter was the issue. Incredible that this feud has become so public.
Meanwhile, Dean Haglund (Langly) appears to have insider information, that the reboot would tackle the topical issue of AI instead of the alien invasion conspiracy. Given that no other information exists out there and that thanks to the AI angle this would allow Langly specifically to have a role, take this with a grain of salt.
For over a year, the only source for the reboot’s existence has been Carter, and now hopeful actors. Zero word from Coogler or Disney or anybody else, which by now is weird — but then most projects never materialize and it’s only media obsessiveness of recent years that has resulted in us hearing of so many details. Coogler’s current plate seems to be very full, with plenty of film and TV projects officially announced left and right. Whatever happens, it doesn’t look as if it will happen any time soon (and I’m not in a hurry).