X-Files mythology, TenThirteen Interviews Database, and more

Archive for November, 2023

ETC 18th anniversary!

The X-Files: Eat The Corn is officially an adult! The website was launched 18 years ago. A lifetime ago! Incredible what you could do then with “made with Mozilla, Notepad and care” 🙂

Starting from purely The X-Files mythology, the site has grown to comment news and archive the past of all things Ten Thirteen. With no plan to retire whatsoever.

“One Son” hangar destroyed

The El Rico Air Force Base hangar is no more! A fire has destroyed the hangar used in The X-Files “One Son” (where the Syndicate began in 1973…and ended in a fire in 1999, ironically) and site of the 1998 XF Expo, in Tustin, Orange County. A real shame — a piece of aviation history and one of the shooting locations I wanted to visit at some point…

(Thanks to Adam Silva)


French podcast: Season 6 (2)

[FRENCH] Suite du podcast sur #TheXFiles saison 6! Quelques opinions surprenantes et dans l’ensemble une bonne discussion sur la dernière saison qui risque d’avoir un bilan plus positif que négatif. Two Fathers/One Son ne sont pas les meilleurs épisodes objectivement, mais dommage que pour la mythologie les participants sont soit peu intéressés soit avec une analyse avec laquelle je suis en désaccord (Guigui).
