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Archive for December, 2021

Social media archive: 2021 (part 4)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

Oct 05, 2021 19:46


Millennium after the Millennium
5 October 2021
Documentary Executive Producer Troy L. Foreman will be interviewing the man himself, CHRIS CARTER this Friday about Millennium’s upcoming 25th anniversary! Do you have a question for Chris? Leave it in the comments and we may ask Chris your question! #MLM25

Oct 13, 2021 15:52

Happy 10/13 day, happy birthday to Chris Carter! He is becoming 65 today, a mature age many look at for retirement, but there is no retirement for creative people! I for one hope that he will realize more projects in the future.

New interview with Carter on the upcoming 25th anniversary of , where he talks about his inspiration for the show, his love for David Fincher, his regret for not going past season 3, a possible continuation (*with* Lance Henriksen), and more! #millennium25 #mlm25

Direct link: https://sammensvaergelsen.libsyn.com/interview-chris-carter-2-millennium-at-25


Oct 20, 2021 18:35

A story from 1993!


Sci Fi Props Guy
20 October 2021
One From the Vaults of The X-Files –
“Conceiving a Salamander Hand”

It was coming up to the much-anticipated Christmas hiatus for the first season of the fledgling series, but there would be no break for me. I was tasked with a strange request… to create a ‘Salamander Hand’ for a character named John Barnett who would appear in episode 1X16 “Change of Heart.” Yes, that’s right, a ‘Salamander Hand’.
Now it was never explained to me why I, as the Property Master was being tasked with coming up with something for the show that was clearly to me, a prosthetic appliance. I’m not sure if Toby Lindala our Special Make-Up Effects Artist was otherwise occupied and too busy, or that someone had the misconception that if I created the piece, it would somehow be done cheaper (I can assure you this was never, ever the case).
So, over the last weekend of production, before everybody else’s looming hiatus, I was summoned to a breakfast meeting with our leader and creator of the show, Chris Carter. To those of you not totally familiar with Hollywood or show business in general, the notion of a ‘breakfast meeting’ can be a very loaded event. Being involved in a meeting over breakfast can mean one of two things –
1) You are pitching a story or script idea that may or may not be sold on the spot (keeping in mind that this was before the writing part of my career took off, whence I did pitch an idea and got a development deal) or,
2) Someone is going to be fired, and it’s not usually the person who called the meeting. With that knowledge in the back of my mind, I went to possibly my ‘Last Breakfast.’
It’s mid-morning in this 4.5 Star eatery. White linen tablecloths and napkins abound and smartly dressed Servers cater to the whims of patrons. An efficient and officious Maitre D’ leads our hero, Property Master KEN HAWRYLIW through the restaurant. Ken carries a stack of science-y looking books and a laptop.
Fearing the worst, Ken’s senses are acute, much like a condemned man being led to the guillotine. He hears everything – clanging of engraved cutlery, snippets of conversations over clinking glasses of orange juice and Bloody Caesars (the Canadian version of Blood Mary), and his own gulps and shallow breathing.
At last Ken is shown to a table tucked away from the other patrons who cast the occasional glances, feigning recognition at the guest already seated there – CHRIS CARTER. Also, at the table is, Director MICHAEL LANGE, who sips from orange concoction from a fluted glass and looks somewhat puzzled albeit happy to see Ken. Chris smiles warmly, motioning for Ken to sit.
CHRIS: Good morning, thanks for coming. (to the Maitre D’) Can we get another mimosa, please?
MATRE D’: Certainly sir. (he leaves)
KEN: Mimosa?
CHRIS: It’s champagne and orange juice.
KEN: I know, but why?
CHRIS: Celebrating the hiatus and the Salamander Hand.
Michael smiles a possibly ironic shit-eating grin and Ken looks relieved, maybe he’s not being fired today?
KEN: Cool, I brought some reference material.
Between sips of mimosas and nibbles on over-priced eggs benedict, Ken goes over several photos in the books of a wide variety of salamanders in wide variety of colours. Chris sees one he particularly takes a fancy to, an orange-y and mottled green one, and shows it to Michael.
CHRIS: What about this one?
MICHAEL: Uh, yeah, that could work right? (looking at Ken for reassurance)
KEN: (still not sure why he’s doing this) Yeah, sure, that could work.
CHRIS: Okay let’s talk about the size of the hand. It’s going to be worn by Barnett as you know, but it must be smaller than a human hand. That would be cool.
MICHAEL: (glancing at Ken) Smaller than a human hand? You mean smaller than the actor’s hand?
CHRIS: Exactly. That way it will look weird and cool.
MICHAEL: Yes, but…
KEN: Let me get this straight, so I understand. It’s gotta look like this salamander hand you chose, it’s gotta be smaller than a human hand so it looks weird, but it’s gotta fit over the actor’s hand who’s gonna be wearing it. Does that sound right?
CHRIS (excited) Exactly right! This is going to be cool.
KEN: Physics.
CHRIS: What’s that?
KEN: Physics. What you’re asking for defies the laws of physics as we know it. A mass with a particular volume cannot exist in a space of lesser volume. It won’t fit.
CHRIS: But it needs to be smaller than a human hand, so it looks weird and cool.
MICHAEL: But it needs to fit on the actor’s human hand.
CHRIS: That’s why it’s going to be so cool. (looks at Ken) The good thing is you’ve got the whole hiatus to figure it out.
KEN: That is THE good thing.
CHRIS: (very excited, looking at both of them) This is going to be very cool. (back at Ken, still excited) What do you think it’s going to look like?
KEN: Probably going to look like a big orange rubber glove.
CHRIS: I think this going to be cool.
MICHAEL: Cool, definitely (grinning and sipping mimosa). CUT TO:
First morning back from the hiatus, Day 1 of episode 1X16 I showed up with what was tasked to provide, and to quote Michael Lange, “You were right, it does look like a big orange rubber fucking glove.” Michael, bless him, shot around it as best he could but when the Salamander Hand showed up in dailies Chris realized that, although I could pull off certain small miracles, I could not re-write the laws of physics.
Eventually Toby Lindala created what was always a prosthetic make-up appliance and although it did not appear smaller than a human hand, it was in fact, weird and very cool.

Oct 25, 2021 17:01

Happy birthday, ! #MLM25 25 years since the airing of one of the best things Ten Thirteen ever did: your pilot episode. 25 years is a landmark date, a quarter of a century! You were much, much more than “that other series that creator made”, in so many ways ahead of you time — but presently you are hardly seen by anyone, with no HD transfer, nowhere to be found in streaming, with DVDs almost out of stock, with only part of your sister-series’ fandom having watched you…

With time passing and Lance H not being all that young, a MLM revival is by now quite unlikely — but a sequel/soft-reboot series could focus on a now-adult Jordan Black! Could that be the marketing opportunity to also make an HD transfer of the series, like Fox did with the blu-ray and streaming release of TXF with the revival? One can only wait…worry…and hope.

Nov 09, 2021 16:33

Another Ten Thirteen alumni has passed away: William Golding portrayed Roky in “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space” (an…experiencer who wrote a Hollywood script of his alien encounters, met Jesse Ventura and ended up preaching a New Age group about Lava Men) as well as Detective Thomas in ’s “Loin Like a Hunting Flame” (a rare case of a Ten Thirteen show with explicit sex).

William Lucking Dies: ‘Sons of Anarchy’s Piney & Veteran Character Actor Was 80

Nov 10, 2021 17:36

[French] 25 ans de , et un podcast qui donne envie de revoir toute la saison 2! On n’avait pourtant rien demandé à Morgan & Wong et ils ont produit une œuvre plus structurée, pensée, complexe et courageuse que la plupart des production de l’époque et d’aujourd’hui. Un classique méconnu. #MLM25



Nov 17, 2021 16:46

Why wasn’t this guy in more interviews back in the day? Busy making the show and the movie, that’s where! @[1618472925051059:69:The X-Files Preservation Collection] interview the legendary Rob Bowman and the passion and excitement this man feels for his work is communicative. This is one of the key people who made look as cinematic as it did, to the point where he got sort of stuck with directing the movie itself. Great stuff!

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D3eKp3DACs
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxzjdmMvba4
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv7Rp7b7nM

Nov 22, 2021 18:54

Saratoga Springs, New York, will be the place to be come 2022! @[1618472925051059:69:The X-Files Preservation Collection] is accompanied by cast and crew and Chris Carter himself in their announcement. We wish them well!

“The BIG Announcement!
We are so excited to be sharing this news with all of you. We want to thank you all for your support and ask that you please share this announcement far and wide.
P.S. definitely watch the video all the way through.”

Nov 25, 2021 22:07

EatTheCorn.com becomes 16 today! Time flies! Because I don’t have anything better to offer and because I am always amazed at fandom’s creativity, here are some doodles, one for every single episode of the series! — art by https://megdoesart.tumblr.com/

Dec 22, 2021 16:11

Today is December 22 – first day after the solstice, beginning of the winter, also anniversary of an alien invasion that never materialised, and also release day of the #MatrixResurrections! Here’s an interview of David Nutter wearing what can best be described as a Matrix-inspired pyjama-shirt, talking about his experience directing some of the best of (Ice, Beyond the Sea, Clyde Bruckman, hello?)