X-Files mythology, TenThirteen Interviews Database, and more

Social media archive: 2017 (part 6)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

Oct 01, 2017 18:21

S11 MYTHOLOGY THEORIZING: Does this photo from My Struggle 3 show a young CSM (with newly cast character Erika Price) with an alien? Is it humanity’s first contact? Is it an artificial alien that the CSM will use to manipulate everyone to believe there is a menace of colonization, including manipulating the future Syndicate? Did this take place right after the UFO crash we saw in My Struggle 1 or was that crash a smokescreen too? Interesting! BUT: If there is no colonization threat, what to think of the Black Oil virus gestating alien-like creatures? If the CSM is behind it all from the beginning, what to think of all the times he looked not to have the upper hand or be killed in the past? If the Spartan virus was the end game since smallpox vaccines in the 1970s, what to make of the bees and the corn carrying the Black Oil virus? S10 & S11 seem poised to rewrite in depth the core if the X-Files mythology! – with the risk things won’t be coherent any more?

Oct 05, 2017 17:22

Read here @[383602778393543:274:Den of Geek US]’s NYCC special with 6 pages on The X-Files! Interviews with Carter, DD, GA, MP on S11 — where they are mostly amazed they are on the air so many years later, at how fast the zeitgeist is changing and how difficult it is to tell something meaningful for our times.

Issuu: Den of Geek NYCC 2017 Special Edition

Oct 08, 2017 19:24

NYCC Carter interview:
“DEADLINE: So a Season 12 is in the cards?
CARTER: (laughs) I’m trying to finish this season. I certainly think the show has much more life in it. So, I can’t answer that question definitively but I can tell you that there are more stories to tell.”
+ spoilers on some returning characters
So, essentially no end in sight as long as the audience is out there!…

Deadline: ‘The X-Files’ Creator Chris Carter On Making More Seasons, Lone Gunmen’s Return & ‘Millennium’ – NY Comic Con

Oct 08, 2017 20:00

S11 official trailer!


Oct 13, 2017 15:20

Happy 1013! Happy 61st birthday Chris Carter!

XF3? Carter: “I actually wrote a third movie, just for my own purposes. I wanted to see how I would approach a big screen ‘X-Files’. And a lot of those things that I wrote about found their way into season ten and now in season eleven.”

A lot of interviews (and what some people would consider as spoilers) in the recent NYCC promotion of season 11.

S11: We are headed towards:
– 1 mythology opener (11X01: My Struggle 3 “resetting” what My Struggle 2 did)
– 1 semi-mythology in the middle of the season by James Wong, 11X05, in a nice echo of Founder’s Mutation (with William appearing, it seems, and it won’t be a dream!)
– 1 mythology closure (11X10: My Struggle 4? likely cliffhanger?)
– 3 “pure” monster-of-the-week cases (which should be: 11X02 a M&S chase episode by Glen Morgan, 11X06 a Skinner-centric episode by Gabe Rotter, and 11X08 a “messed-up” episode a la Home by Morgan & Wong)
– 4 (!) “light-hearted” or “experimental” episodes, including 11X04 by Darin Morgan and 11X03 by Carter (leaving 11X07 and 11X09 and a host of new writers to allocate: Van Allen, Cloke, Hamblin, Nielsen)
For all we know, airing order could be different from production order, like for last time.

Science Fiction: NYCC 2017: ‘The X-Files’ Creator Chris Carter Talks Season Eleven

Oct 17, 2017 13:20

[Preview removed because of SPOILER] Miles Robbins: William? Not William? An Angel from Millennium?



Oct 20, 2017 00:05

Reyes on set: I thought there were going to be only 2 mythology episodes in s11? Is this still the semi-mythology James Wong episode that potentially involves William?

@annabeth_gish instagram

Nov 02, 2017 10:01

Podcast on the new book by them0vieblog’s Darren Mooney, which hosted some really excellent analysis on all things 1013! (+ thanks for the EatTheCorn reference!)



Nov 08, 2017 16:47

#TheXCastPodwatch: don’t let Excelsi(u)s Dei scare you, in this episode there’s some really great discussion on the man behind the curtain, Mr. Chris Carter!



Nov 14, 2017 14:12

See @[612531971:2048:Matt Allair], @[8273206453:69:The X-Files Lexicon] webmaster and @[383602778393543:274:Den of Geek US] contributor, discuss X-Files and Richard Matheson’s “I Am Legend” in “Creature Features”, a local genre show in Northern California!



Nov 14, 2017 18:58

The X-Files Season One Poster, by sorin88


Nov 14, 2017 23:53

Taking an in-depth look of the mythology elements of “The Real Science Behind ” book by Carter’s science advisor & virologist Anne Simon — some exciting and surprising stuff, with implications all the way to season 11!

Nov 15, 2017 21:51

season 11 premiere: Wednesday January 3 2018 8pm!


Nov 17, 2017 12:59

The CSM looks officially healed.

XFilesNews: New Season 11 Cast Photos Revealed

Nov 18, 2017 19:28

D-46 for season 11! Yes, the date is set, the countdown has begun! We run through all the mythology episodes of the series as we inexorably head towards “My Struggle III & IV”! #46DaysOfMythX

Up first, the pilot episode, of course. It is still a mystery why the date stamp puts the events in March 7-22 of the year 1992. Carter started working on a story in August 1992, pitched it to Fox and got a pilot order in November; his first draft is dated December 17 1992. Subsequent episodes, even Deep Throat and Squeeze, are set more or less concurrent with the writing of their scripts, in the summer of 1993. Fans theorized about a “missing year” full of potential stories — but this is probably just a production mistake!


Nov 18, 2017 20:01

D-45 of #46DaysOfMythX 1X01: Deep Throat.

In TenThirteen, it’s all in the family: Here are new partners Mulder & Scully walking away from what will become Frank Black’s iconic yellow house in “Millennium” just under 4 years later. Those who discovered a conspiracy of men using alien technology, ARVs and implanted memories with season 10’s My Struggle should re-watch this episode, it’s all there from the beginning!

Nov 20, 2017 18:34

D-44 of #46DaysOfMythX Conduit

Character-defining scenes for Mulder and a lot of echoes of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” in the directing of this one, is still searching its own voice. Also, the episode profiles in EatTheCorn are being updated in a more reader-friendly, proper 21st century format!

1X03: Conduit

Nov 20, 2017 21:40

D-44 of #46DaysOfMythX Part 2: 1X09: Fallen Angel

“Close Encounters” meets “The Predator” and we continue to see the heavy toll the alien phenomenon takes on human lives, this time memorably through the eyes of abductee Max Fenig. So the military work to shoot down UFOs and hunt aliens: different agendas from the Syndicate? different alien races? both? Probably not something the writers have thought about yet.

1X09: Fallen Angel

Nov 21, 2017 18:57

D-43 of #46DaysOfMythX 1X16: E.B.E.

Things get serious with this delightfully paranoid Morgan & Wong script, inspired by the 1970s Watergate conspiracy film “All the President’s Men” and UFO/conspiracy buffs in the X-Files’ early online discussion boards! Morgan: “The whole thing was written to get to the line, ‘A lie is best hidden between two truths.’ We worked the whole thing to get to that.” It’s one of the best episodes, but Wong is characteristically moderate in self-criticism: “At the end I felt like we didn’t really gain a lot of new ground or learn a lot of new things. I think we played a lot of texture instead of substance.” It also shows the governmental conspiracy clearly working with an agenda to exterminate the aliens — very much in opposition with the Syndicate that we haven’t met yet.

1X16: E.B.E.



Nov 22, 2017 19:23

D-42 of #46DaysOfMythX 1X23: The Erlenmeyer Flask

A crown jewel of the series, like a series of best of scenes, and the first to be directed by Bob Goodwin! Carter had been planning this story all year long: “I had been wanting to do a story about alien genes and alien hybrids and the idea that there were scientists who were using this material from aliens that had been collected or recovered or salvaged, and trying to mix them with human DNA.” So many elements introduced in this episode would evolve into essential mytharc threads: genetic experiments, hybrids, the green toxic blood. Carter: “it was an episode that really, I feel, established a mythology: what the government may be up to, how they may be in cahoots with the aliens.”

1X23: The Erlenmeyer Flask


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