X-Files mythology, TenThirteen Interviews Database, and more

Social media archive: 2017 (part 5)

Archived from the Eat The Corn Facebook page.

Aug 01, 2017 16:59

“The X-Files: Cold Cases”: an article about the behind-the-scenes work on the sound effects, music and atmosphere of the audio drama production.

Audible Range: The X-Files Cold Cases: Meet the modern audio drama

Aug 03, 2017 00:06

Crispr-Cas9 used on human embryos: it is really happening! #XFilesScience My Struggle II

The Guardian: Deadly gene mutations removed from human embryos in landmark study

Aug 04, 2017 11:31

“3rd Floor Productions” is the new pseudonym for Ten Thirteen! XF season 11 shooting is starting in 4 days and fans are on the lookout!


Aug 08, 2017 8:03

A step towards gender equality where it makes sense in XF s11: welcome to Carol Banker (1013 alumni in 1999-2002) and Holly Dale – both here to direct I guess the new writers’ episodes.

TVLine: The X-Files Season 11 Update: 2 Female Directors Join Fox Revival

Aug 08, 2017 16:47

Joe Harris interview. Interesting parts about Carter steering him away from using William as an antagonist in his comics, and on the current run of comics being cut short faster than planned. Again.

Re: 2016-2017 XF comics: “The publisher decided they wanted to give the regular publication a break and my overall idea of going 25 issues was truncated.”

Re: William: “Chris actually steered me away from using William in the ways I’d initially intended. Back at the very beginning of the planning stages, before Chris had offered to come on board and help us launch, I’d hoped to develop William into more of a long-range threat to Mulder and Scully. […] I had planned to build a big storyline around the hunt for young William Scully, who I’d envisioned as a very powerful and potentially neglected young man who resented being given away for adoption and who might have been compromised, or was even leading the effort to fuck with his mother and Fox Mulder. Chris Carter warned me away from this idea, expressly citing how personal a subject William was particularly for female X-Files fans.”

Cuarto Mundo: Exclusive interview with Joe Harris, writer of The X-Files (IDW)

Aug 08, 2017 18:09

XF setup by @[184646584899113:274:Jackorama]


Aug 08, 2017 21:01

Official word from FOX #TCA: ONLY 2 mythology episodes bookending season 11?! Carter must be thinking: season 12, here we come?…

EW: The X-Files largely ditching mythology episodes next season

Aug 08, 2017 22:20

11X01 title: “My Struggle III” aka Event Series 2 Episode 201 (found on twitter)



Aug 09, 2017 00:26

Hear @[930414780360852:274:The X-Cast\: An X-Files Podcast]’s @[511473157:2048:Carl Sweeney] and me talk X-Files, EatTheCorn, and be impressed, but not too much, by “The X-Files: Cold Cases”!



Aug 09, 2017 14:33

Summarizing XF s11 info on writers:

11X01: My Struggle III, mythology (Chris Carter)
11X??: stand-alone on a monster related to nature, originally was to be done during s10 (Gabe Rotter & Brad Follmer)
11X??: stand-alone (Benjamin Van Allen)
11X??: stand-alone (Glen Morgan)
11X??: stand-alone (story by Glen Morgan, teleplay by Kristen Cloke & Shannon Hamblin)
11X??: stand-alone (Karen Nielsen)
11X??: stand-alone, comedy (Darin Morgan)
11X??: stand-alone (James Wong)
11X??: stand-alone with threads of mythology (James Wong)
11X10: “My Struggle IV” (title?), mythology (Chris Carter)

Carter might co-write one of the new writers’ script, but with so many writers it does look like his main contribution will be the two mythology episodes and overall supervision.


Aug 13, 2017 15:01

“The X-Files: #ColdCases” audio drama: review + ICYMI @[930414780360852:274:The X-Cast\: An X-Files Podcast] podcast discussion #istillwanttobelieve


Aug 15, 2017 00:22

More casting news: “Barbara Hershey will play Erika Price, a powerful figure who represents a mysterious organization.” How recurring can she be, with 2 mythology episodes only? More interconnectedness between episodes? Signs carter’s modus operandi is changing?

Deadline: ‘The X-Files’: Barbara Hershey Joins Season 11 Of Fox Series

Aug 17, 2017 21:21

X-Files @[114444205294473:274:Mark Snow] soundtrack for the Event Series: a review + more on “original series” Vol.4 + “More Music” requests update with material from 147 episodes (!)


Aug 24, 2017 12:59

X-Files Basement: The X-Cast Podcast Fan Group

Sep 11, 2017 15:15

celebrates 24 years – 1993-2017! Look at these season 1 younglings!


Sep 14, 2017 20:48

#TwinPeaks & fans! Listen Mark Snow and other TV music composers discuss the music of “Twin Peaks”!

Studio360: The music of ‘Twin Peaks’

Sep 18, 2017 20:23

X-Files office in cardboard miniature, by @[617473121708468:274:Damien James Webb]!


Sep 26, 2017 10:13



Sep 26, 2017 10:27


From 30 Sep 2017, 23:00 to 1 Oct 2017, 01:00
Join us for a conversation with artists Nora Khan and Steven Warwick on occasion of their new project Fear Indexing The X-Files, recently published by Primary Information.

For their new staple-bound project, Khan and Warwick combed through the first 9 seasons of The X-Files television series—which ran from 1992 to 2002—gathering and indexing the various fears that appeared as themes throughout the show. The authors employ a documentary-style commentary to narrate how the show posited fear as an inherent quality of domestic life.

The original run of the series aired in the period nestled between the end of the Cold War and the start of the War on Terror—a time in which enemies of the state shifted, with aliens replacing Communism, and a fear of ghosts and the paranormal prefacing our current climate of Islamophobia.

Khan and Warwick take this index and link it to the rise of the World Wide Web and the global internet, which emerged in the same era. As the show developed, its characters became more adept at using the internet, as did its fans, many of whom visited chat rooms and dedicated forums to discuss episode content, speculate on theories, and come up with urban legends of their own.

Sep 27, 2017 21:22

updated for today’s age: a review of @[506008038:2048:Joe Harris]’s unsubtle but necessary comics *final* arc! “Resistance”

What will we do now without waiting for XF comics every month?


Sep 29, 2017 2:05

First official image of XF s11 and of 11X01: My Struggle III is out, and…it’s spoiler territory, but it will be impossible for anyone to miss that one! Scully is in a bad spot, Mulder looks fine. Let the theorizing begin: everyone’s healed and Scully gets retribution for developing the cure? Or My Struggle II was a sort of dream/premonition/time jump, and Scully attempts to prevent these events from happening?


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